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Emergency Plumbing Service’s Virtual Enrichment Day with Hydro-Jetter Demonstration

Welcome to Emergency Plumbing Service’s Virtual Enrichment Day! Each year we have the opportunity to go into several local schools and participate in their Enrichment Day programs. Due to the Coronavirus, all the Enrichment Day programs were canceled. These classroom visits are a highlight for us. We wanted to be able to do something for the students, so we came up with the idea of a Virtual Enrichment Day. Plumber Doug & Trevor will show you how plumbers diagnose, troubleshoot, and use their real-life skills to resolve a drainage blockage. You will also see a demonstration of how our Hydro-Jetter uses high pressured water to break through a clog. In this demo our Hydro-Jetter will use 3000 psi of water at approximately 20 gallons of water per minute, to remove a clog caused by rags and cut through a 2 x 4 (symbolizing tree roots). Please follow this link to our Youtube Channel to watch our "How To Build A Marshmallow Launcer" video, For more information on our Apprentice Program please visit our website at and click on the careers tab. Emergency Plumbing Service has been family owned and operated in Delaware, Ohio since 1977. We have a vested interest in sharing and continuing to uphold the values and expectations of our community and to ensure that our community thrives by maintaining a friendly, courteous, and family-friendly attitude in all our community involvement.